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'Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino, 1972'

The Lost Library


LOST TO THE OCEAN the great library now lies deep below the surface. Resting on the sea floor, it's vast forest of interconnecting ‘skyscrapers’ and spires lights up the otherwise silent night that exists beneath the waves.


From a distance you would be forgiven for concluding it were a city, the ancient remains of some long-lost civilization by ultimately you would be mistaken. For if it were a city it would be one without homes, stores, roads, or any such amenities rather just an unending assorted collection of bookshelves.


Linked by a spider’s web of inter-connecting tunnels this myriad of diverse towers that makes up the library, protects and entraps. Holding back the hundreds of feet of water, the walls keep safe the vast horde of knowledge it coverts while cursing those who reach the library.


Unable to escape the mountain of water above their heads and hope to survive those entombed by their pursuit of knowledge are cursed with having at their fingertips all the secrets of the universe but not being able to leave to use what they’ve learnt.


Tormented by an unusable infinite understanding of what was, is and will be, the libraries inhabitants have roamed these boundless rows of bookshelves like ghosts for time immemorial.

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